DEMO 1.6 - Small Updates + Mac Version!

Just did some minor updates to the dialogue, and I'm trying to create a working demo for Mac!

A NOTE: Mac hates RPGMaker, so there are bound to be many problems that i’m unable to fix due to Mac’s game restrictions :’)


Lorelai's Forest [DEMO 1.6] (PC) 270 MB
22 days ago
Lorelai's Forest [DEMO 1.6] (Mac) 406 MB
22 days ago


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The mac version doesn't work for me. I'm on mac, latest OS

Thanks for letting me know! I’m going to look into it this week. If the problem persists for multiple people i’ll probably pull the file and do some more testing to see what’s up.

Still learning how to port the game to mac, but hopefully i’ll get it figured out!


OKAY! I’ve figured out that it’s an issue with Mac computers not liking things created on other applications, even if the file is intended for Mac.

I’ve uploaded a new file using a different method, and if it’s still refusing to work this might be a quick fix:

I was able to open the game, but I noticed a few things: The options menu gave me an error when I pressed my esc key, the app quits randomly and sometimes when I press a key, and the application name is a long string of gibberish like 'gghfdwghewgegeiuehiughio'

(1 edit)

Apple released a software update, this might be fixed now, i will test later.

I get this error when quitting the options screen

I'm also having a problem with the save button, it doesn't seem to work. I select a slot but it doesn't give me confirmation on whether it saved or not

From the research i’ve been doing, putting the Game file directly into your Applications Folder should fix both issues! Apparently (according to reddit), macs won’t let a file edit itself (like changing volume or adding a save file) unless it’s in the applications folder

Thanks so much for continuing to update with bugs and glitches! I’m learning a LOT very fast lol